Withdraw Tax-efficient Happiness Post Retirement

Withdraw Tax-efficient Happiness Post Retirement

Everyone has to retire one day. Some people retire at an early age or some retire at their death bed. Let’s directly switch on a product which will give not only income after retirement but also will help tax planning.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan is a facility for regular cash flow with the help of mutual funds. It gives the investor, the freedom to enjoy life one has always dreamt of post retirement. One can withdraw funds from existing mutual fund outlays at pre-set interludes, be it fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or even annually, which will create a regular cash flow for both certain and uncertain needs. One can plan investments and withdrawals with tax advantage. It gives an investor more potential to gain rewards over a span of time, as one withdraws happiness bit by bit.

A Systematic Withdrawal Plan is a divesture strategy that empowers one to redeem fund units in a planned mannerism, instead of a lump sum sale. Constructively, one can withdraw investments in parts, thereby spawning a rhythmic stream of inflows.

An SWP is the antipodal of a Systematic Investment Plan, wherein one invests in mutual funds in parts. Moving funds from savings to a better performing mutual fund scheme is a SIP, while in an SWP, the movement of funds is back into savings account from already made investments. Alike, investing in mutual funds is easy on the VSRK app, withdrawals are also simple and straightforward on the app.

To execute an SWP, one need to withdraw some part of your investment at periodic intervals. Withdrawal money from investment means selling off or redeeming a chunk of the units one holds. The number of units to be sold depends on the NAV on the date one makes the withdrawal.

The period to start SWPs from one’s own funds need to be conceived well in advance to get the complete benefits. It is advisable not to go for SWP in two conditions, first is when one has cash at hand or when markets begins its downtrend. During such times, one should put money to work to achieve preset goals of wealth creation.

Retirement, the phase of life when incoming paychecks halts, is considered as a favorable time to start an SWP. 

SWP acts as a rewards of the systematic investments made during working years. People generally ask a very complicated question that for how long the SWP will last? Ultimately the length of SWP is determined by two main factors. The first is the size of the corpus and the withdrawal amount is the second one. Principally, the progressive the frequency and amount pulled out, the swifter will be the rate of abatement of the corpus.

The uptrend performance of the markets are directly proportionate to milking higher amounts through SWP. Contrarily, if markets are showing downtrend, the radius of SWP may dwindle. Making systematic withdrawals using an SWP allows you to take advantage of rupee cost averaging. 

Tax implications of SWP

When any investor makes withdrawals via SWP, it allures taxes based on type of scheme. The tax incidence on SWP depends on FIFO method and the holding period.

SWP initiated from an equity fund in the 1st year of investment, it is coined as STCG. The amount will be taxed at the rate of 15%. Whereas, if initiated after 1 year of investment, it falls under LTCG. Long term capital gains are completely tax-free. We at VSRK always suggests to do an SWP from your equity fund investments upon completion of one year.

Risk averse investors investing in Debt funds shall note that the holding period for debt funds taxation is 3 years. Any SWP initiated from the debt fund within 3 years of investment, it is considered as STCG and when initiated after 3 years of investment, it falls under LTCG which are taxed at 20%. Additionally, you can get the benefit of inflation indexation.

Concluding the words, SWPs can heavily aid in unifying income needs post retirement. In order to achieve the most of blessings, VSRK helps to plan SWP according to your requirements and tax incidence.

11 Things You Should Know About SIP Mutual Funds

11 Things You Should Know About SIP Mutual Funds

Investing in markets is one of the most concerning decisions. As a traditional customer, you will think twice before making any large investment. But with the introduction of SIP, now the situations have changed. It is easy and convenient to make investments. Every year, the number of customers is increasing who look forward to bring their investment in SIP mutual funds. In this blog, we will give you a quick some features of SIP mutual funds.

To the customers who are just beginners in the market, SIP is a new word. SIP stands for a systematic investment plan. It is the most flexible way to invest in the market. The best thing about this plan is that you can invest per month rather than one lump sum amount. 

Eleven things you should know about SIP mutual funds:-

1. Amount of investment
SIP gives you the right to invest according to your requirements and convenience. You can start your investment with a minimum amount of Rs 100 or Rs 500 per month. A Small Amount of investment will not develop a financial burden on your head can easily maintain your financial balance.

SIP mutual funds can formulate monthly, annually, quarterly, and semi-annually. It develops a sense of saving habits among investors. Your saving habits play a vital role in the circulation of your money. Tax saving schemes also comes under SIP mutual funds.

SIP mutual funds are of various types. The most common type is a hybrid mutual fund. A Hybrid mutual fund is the one under which the investment portfolio is equally divided between equity and debt financial instruments. Other types of SIP funds are Flexi SIP, Step-up SIP, Perpetual SIP, etc.

4.Timing of the market
The timing indicates the ideal time frame, where the investors can gain a maximum of the benefit in the stock markets by purchasing more units of mutual funds when the prices are comparatively low. With SIP mutual funds, you can invest throughout the year and get better returns.

5.Investments of recurring nature
You have to make regular deposits, like recurring deposits. However, in RD the returns are linked with the bank FD rates, but in the case of mutual funds, you can invest in different financial instruments that link to market-related returns.

6.Regular investment
Investing in small amounts per month will make you a burden-free and disciplined market investor. You will become smarter about your expenses and start thinking to invest maximum. The regular investment feature of SIP will help you today and in the future.

The main objective of SIP mutual funds is to achieve long-term accumulation of wealth. When you invest through SIP, you invest in a disciplined manner without feeling the stress of market conditions. SIP mutual funds from time to time remind you of your investments and motivate you to move ahead.

8.Safe and sure
Mostly SIP is marked as a safe and sure way of investment and an efficient way to create wealth for the long-term. SIP is generally secure regarding mutual funds. SIP gets stuck to continuous money to earn a fixed percentage of commissions or returns. It makes you worthy of a safe and secure investment nature.

9.Best for the beginners
SIP mutual funds are the best choice for beginners who don’t have experience regarding the market as it averages out the price over some time. The funds in a mutual fund are sub-invested in various sectors. Through this, the investors get the benefit of diversification. You can consult your financial adviser for SIPs which offers several plans for the beginners. 

Financial experts regulate the SIP mutual funds. These professionals work on improving the returns of the funds. The SIP mutual fund is well managed and provides you with the best service in all possible ways.

11.Investment goal
Most people fail in investment activities due to a lack of market knowledge. SIP provides a wide range of investment options. With these various options, you develop yourself as a diversified and disciplined investor. The most common reason why people start investing is they need to save taxes. If you want to invest in SIP, you must target a specific goal. Determining the aim is an essential factor. It is necessary to know the reason behind your investment in SIP. Attach a money value to your goals. A Mutual fund (SIP) will provide you with the best returns than other investment option.

All the SIP features are present online. Online facilities provide complete services from starting till the end with ease of the internet all these services are working 24*7. Things like child education, marriage funds, home loans, retirement plans are necessary for one’s life. These require proper planning with adherence to the amount of wealth and period time. Each year the value of SIP changes. You have to understand the past, estimate the current values, and come up with future possibilities.

What is Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) ?

Systematic Investment Plan

A mutual fund is one of the most popular modes of investment opt by investors desirous of making good returns on the same. There are generally only 2 ways to invest in a mutual funds scheme- Lump sum investment and Systematic Investment Plan.

Lump-sum investment refers to the investment of a good sum of money once into the scheme. It is suitable for times when you have a free load of cash in hand with you. However, the availability of a comparatively huge sum of money is not very common and this is the reason why many potential investors were unable to make investments. 

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) was brought as a mean of making a systematic and regular investment. This requires the investors to invest a fixed amount of funds at stated intervals, regularly. This has dealt with the inability of huge sums and allows the common man a chance to invest. 

The return from the mutual funds depends on the market value of the securities present in the portfolio represented by the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the mutual fund scheme. Hence, the NAV keeps fluctuating on a daily basis, which is more prominent under equity mutual funds.

4 Tips to Manage Your SIPs in Lockdown

Manage Your SIPs in Lockdown

We understand that due to these turbulent times when there is almost no trade, business are having huge losses and thousands of people are losing jobs it has become very difficult to manage your SIPs (systematic investment plan). We would like to advise you the following tips to manage your SIPs effectively without knowing its shortcoming or a better alternative.

  • You Can Invest More Without Starting Another SIP
    If you intend to take advantage of such a situation where the markets are down you can. You don’t need to start an additional SIP alternatively you can opt for a top-up.
  • You Can Pause Payments
    Unlike the above case, you might find yourself in a situation where the payment is not possible due to any reason maybe loss of job, receipt of lower salary or maybe the intend to keep liquidity. In such situations you have the option to cancel the SIP; however there is an alternative to pause it. You may pause the payment instead of cancelling the same.
  • Consider the Exit Load
    Some people may be thinking of cancelling their SIP. If you cancel your SIP before the said lock-in period, a charge known as exit load shall be chargeable. Each SIP has its own lock-in period and exit load
  • Tax applicability
    When you opt to sell your investment, capital gains are applicable. Period of holding for the purpose of Long-term capital gain is as per the Income Tax act. Last we checked it was one year for equity funds and three years for debt, gold and other securities.