Best Ways to save and Invest Money for Newly Married Couples

Best Ways to save and Invest Money for Newly Married Couples

When two people decide to stay with each other, there are many responsibilities which come together. Including Changes in Living or spending money on different choices. Sometimes Not planning proper finance Destroys the flow of happy living. Many Wealth management Companies also advises how can people plan the finance if they don’t have enough money to invest.

There are some ways by following them any one can lead to happy married and wealthier life. These are some points which can help any couple to plan money making.

Opening a Joint Account–  Couples should start saving money firstly by opening a joint account. It will help them in saving money, And planning their future needs. All the experts suggests that opening a joint account in which the couple invests n saves money from their salaries, definitely will be beneficial in future.

Budget making- When we enter in new phase of life it is sometimes difficult to maintain the budget. People are unaware of their partners habits, and don’t have an idea about what they prefer and in which things they love to spend money. So it’s better to make budget for maintaining the flow of funds.

Planning in tax saving Funds-  When couple earns  jointly, the amount of tax which lend on them is also increases. So for avoiding and decreasing the amount of tax, they can save and invest into various insurance schemes. These insurance schemes can not only save the taxes, also give you security for your future.

Planning Smartly-  for every newlywed their are some sort of responsibilities which they need to manage.  Like buying their own house, Buying a car, planning for future emergencies and so on. So it is important to plan smartly and wisely for future financial success.

Investment Solutions For the People Who Don’t Have Enough Money to Invest

People With Lower Incomes Have More Struggles

People with lower incomes have more struggles. They don’t have enough money for investing. In most cases they don’t have enough money left over after paying the expenses of daily life. The old saying says that money to make money clearly says it all. You should definitely have some  money or wealth to invest for the future sake. It is also true that if you don’t plan money management for the future and uninvited adversaries you will have to face big trouble. If someday you won’t be able to work and have enough savings for living that what you will you do in that case. Well to avoid these situations it is very important to plan investments.

We after talking to Best Wealth Management Companies in Delhi NCR put together some ideas for the people who don’t have enough funds to invest. There are many small funding Schemes in which you can invest :-

DRIPS (Dividend Reinvestment Plan)–  DRIPS, allow you to invest small amounts of money into dividend-paying stock, by purchasing directly from the company. Companies that allow you to make regular purchases of very small amounts of stock, and reinvest the dividends. This can add up to a big investment over time and, as you gain a larger balance, you may consider diverting some of these funds into other investments.

ETFs (exchange-traded funds)-  ETFs,or exchange-traded funds, are financial products that track the performance of a certain sector of the investment market. You can buy as little as one share of an ETF through a broker, and some of these ETFs track the performance of the total stock market, the bond market, and many others.

Target Date Funds- Target date funds, as the name implies, target your retirement date by changing the percentage of stocks and bonds to assure that your money remains safe as you approach retirement age.

If you want to hire Professional Financial Services for your business and funds investment you can contact to VSRK Wealth, one of the Investment Services Company in Delhi.

Is It Safe to Invest in Mutual Funds in India?

Systematic Investment Plan is investing a fixed amount at a fixed time interval(monthly, quarterly or annually) in a given Mutual Fund. An investor commits to invest a specific amount for a continuous period at regular intervals, this ensures that he gets more units when prices are lower and fewer units when prices are high, this works on the principle of rupee cost averaging when invested at different levels and automatically participate in the swing of the market. You can earn compound interest on your deposits on a monthly basis, thereby, increasing your investment amount significantly over the long run.

Choosing the Best SIP: Choosing a Right Sip is very important. Before selecting the right sip just Keep in mind the following factors, Which we have written after consulting the Best Financial Planner in Delhi-

Objective of Investing: When you think about investing in sip mutual fund, then you should have known the objective of investing. You have to ask yourself that what is the amount of risk you will have to take, and secondly the time period of investing. Then you can make a logical decision that which type of fund investing you really need.

Performance & Returns you will get: Before Going into investment, you should study about the investment plans, and the type of funds. Make a comparison on the performance basis. The comparison of performance on the time period basis will tell you the power of that fund and investment plan. Try not to invest on those plans which is strong towards market fluctuations.

Selecting right Fund House: A fund house or an Wealth management company is the company that manages Mutual Fund. If you select the right fund house, it will help you in getting good return on investment. Fund will be as good as the fund house you will choose. Your fund house will take decisions for your fund investments. If the fund house will not take the right decisions the investor will end up losing money. So before selecting your fund house properly read about the right Best Mutual Fund Advisor Delhi and fund house, and about the scheme you want your money to get invested. This will help you to reach your investment dreams.

Fund type: There are four types of sip investment plans are there. You can choose according to your amount and of goal of investment. These are-

Top-up SIP: Top-up SIPs allow investors to increase your amount at regular time period. You can increase the amount of investment if you think that the fund scheme in which you invested is performing well.

Flexible SIP: Flexible sip as its name shows are flexible. In these investment plans you can increase and decrease the amount of investment as per your financial situations. If investor runs out of money he can skip the payment, And when the investor has good amount of money he can deposit that in his sip account.

Perpetual SIP: Usually the investor signs ups in sip mutual funds for particular period of time like we can say 1 or 2 or 5 years. But if you don’t want to enter the time of end date then it is called as perpetual sip. This Sip gives option to the investor to redeem his fund when he wants to. Or whenever he feels that his financial aims are completed. Nevertheless, it is always to start SIP for a fixed period of time.

Trigger SIP: Trigger Sips are best for those investors who are aware and has some knowledge about the financial Markets.

Ratio of Expense: If you have researched enough and you find the funds that are similar in nature, then you can select the right fund according to their expense ratio. you can choose among them on the basis of expense ratio. This includes management fee and Total administrative price. a high expense ratio will knock down a fund’s performance.

Entry Load And Exit Load: Previously investing there was entry fee in the form of entry load, but , Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has stopped funds from levying an entry load. Therefore now, the only time you pay is when you leave a fund or we can say when you redeem the fund. This amount is called exit load. The amount of exit load differs with time period, amount of investment and scheme type. These Exit loads are regulated by SEBI.

These SIPs are the subject of market risks. You can ask for right portfolio management services from the right Certified financial planner in Delhi NCR.