What is the difference between Financial Planning and Financial Management

Financial Planning And Financial Management Are two different terms. People think these are similar, although the objective of both are same but still there is a difference between them. We have find out  the difference between Financial Planning and Financial Management after talking over with the Best Financial Planners in Delhi.

Financial Planning– Financial Planning Is the process of planning your finance for Future.  Financial Planning is the task of managing that how a business or individual will afford it’s finance, complete its future goals and Objectives. It is the process of determining that how an organization will achieve it’s financial aims. For planning your finance it is not necessary that you should have finance or money at the time of planning.

Objectives of Financial Planning-

Financial planning is done to achieve the following objectives-

  1. Financial planning helps in ensuring the requirements of funds whenever they needed.
  2. Financial Planning helps in controlling the wastage of funds in unnecessary resources.
  3. Financial planning reduces the risk of  uncertainties in changing market trends.
  4. Financial planning helps in obtaining the right financial Schemes for those resources which will be beneficial in Long-term.
  5. Financial planning helps in Delivering the funds at the right time at the right place.

Financial ManagementFinance And Money is the Vital need of any business and Organization. The source of finance is always limited. So therefore it is very important to manage finance in a right manner. Financial management is the process of planning, organizing, controlling and managing financial resources, with the aim of achieving all financial goals of organization.

Objectives of Financial Management-

The financial management is generally related with procurement, allocation and control of financial resource. The main objectives are-

  1. Financial management helps in ensuring the  regular supply of funds to the related concern.
  2. Financial management ensures the optimum utilization of funds.
  3. It helps in investing in safe areas, so that the great R.O.I. can be achieved.
  4. Financial management helps in  planning a good Financial Structure. There should be maintained  a fair balance between the debt and Equity Capital.
  5. Proper finance management helps in Maximization of Wealth and  profits.

Difference between Financial Planning and Financial Management- Although Financial Planning and financial Management are very similar. But still there is a difference. According to Financial Business Planner in Delhi The main Difference between Financial Planning and Financial Management is that you can plan your finance and financial goals for future, whether you have not money or finance at that time, but for financial management you should already have wealth and money to manage.

VSRK Wealth Creator is one of the Best Financial Distribution Company in Delhi. For effectively planning your funds and Finance you can also consult mutual fund services.

How are Fintech Companies creating disturbance in Banking Sector?

Times have changed and the technology has also challenged the status quo of the Financial Sector. The bombardment of mobile payment apps, online shopping, investments, mobile to mobile banking has made a tilt shift of 180 degrees in financial arena. The Banking System has been confronted by this new idea of Fintech Companies which are spreading its roots in India. People now-a-days to avoid paper formalities and finding ease of access through the internet, are switching from Banks to these Fintech Ventures.

Mobility has played a vital role in financial revolution. In this fast-paced World, one needs all the information and services on their smartphones. Financial Services traditionally needed an infrastructural setup (branches) and fixed assets to raise their entry for customer retention. While technology advancements now allow Fintech startups to virtually operate to deliver complex financial solutions. The digital transformation coupled with mobility gives the ease of excess to their clients who initially were forced to wait in long queues for making a deposit, requesting a check-book or conduct trades. That’s where these Fintech Companies earn trust and credence from the public at large giving flexible and adaptable options to their customers.


Ways how Fintech is creating disturbance in Banking Sector

Fintech venture opens the door to choose between various and multiple schemes which are available in market. Whereas, mostly bank can only promote their own products. Fintech not only offers numerous plans like mutual funds, pension plans or insurances but with the help of various tools and artificial intelligence draws a comparative analysis chart for the customer which eventually aids them to choose the right plan/scheme for their financial goals.

These Fintech Giants have incorporated the pop of online transactions and use of digital wallets, which eventually has made our life trouble-free than those times where we use to trade goats for wheat. Old fashioned banking transactions have been losing its charm. Today these e-wallets allows anybody to transfer funds from any place on the planet to any person having a mobile phone. This provides a faster, cheaper and more reliable way to transact than conventional banking system. Customers like to experiment with new methods offered by Fintech players which aids them track their payments, passbooks and account balance more transparently on their smartphones. In recent years we have also seen a rapid growth in block-chain, crypto-currency which has taken toll in the financial world by providing a swift way to transact.

Fintech players also empower customers with mobile applications which time to time notifies Portfolio Insights, Tracking of Goals, etc. This contributes customers to get information about their investments and holdings. The inheritance of Mobile Application embodies a platform which personalizes with each and every customer which mostly Bank fails to deliver. With all the statistics and data on one’s fingertips, customer is always updated. Neobanks are a very refined example for the same. In this digital sphere, Fintech endeavours from customer support chat-boxes, machine learning algorithms and biometric fraud analysis which attracts customer’s confidence.

Fintech ventures also promotes machine-learning through artificial intelligence which keeps a track of money laundering. These security software alerts while making any fraudulent payment or any virus attacks, which aids in check and balance of every transaction. Biometrics, facial recognition, iris scans and voice pattern adds a layer to the security system which increases the authenticity and reliability.

Financial Advisor in delhi ncr

– This article has been contributed by Swapnil Aggarwal, Director, VSRK Wealth Creator


Reff. Url:- https://goo.gl/WL8EFW

Is It Safe to Invest in Mutual Funds in India?

Systematic Investment Plan is investing a fixed amount at a fixed time interval(monthly, quarterly or annually) in a given Mutual Fund. An investor commits to invest a specific amount for a continuous period at regular intervals, this ensures that he gets more units when prices are lower and fewer units when prices are high, this works on the principle of rupee cost averaging when invested at different levels and automatically participate in the swing of the market. You can earn compound interest on your deposits on a monthly basis, thereby, increasing your investment amount significantly over the long run.

Choosing the Best SIP: Choosing a Right Sip is very important. Before selecting the right sip just Keep in mind the following factors, Which we have written after consulting the Best Financial Planner in Delhi-

Objective of Investing: When you think about investing in sip mutual fund, then you should have known the objective of investing. You have to ask yourself that what is the amount of risk you will have to take, and secondly the time period of investing. Then you can make a logical decision that which type of fund investing you really need.

Performance & Returns you will get: Before Going into investment, you should study about the investment plans, and the type of funds. Make a comparison on the performance basis. The comparison of performance on the time period basis will tell you the power of that fund and investment plan. Try not to invest on those plans which is strong towards market fluctuations.

Selecting right Fund House: A fund house or an Wealth management company is the company that manages Mutual Fund. If you select the right fund house, it will help you in getting good return on investment. Fund will be as good as the fund house you will choose. Your fund house will take decisions for your fund investments. If the fund house will not take the right decisions the investor will end up losing money. So before selecting your fund house properly read about the right Best Mutual Fund Advisor Delhi and fund house, and about the scheme you want your money to get invested. This will help you to reach your investment dreams.

Fund type: There are four types of sip investment plans are there. You can choose according to your amount and of goal of investment. These are-

Top-up SIP: Top-up SIPs allow investors to increase your amount at regular time period. You can increase the amount of investment if you think that the fund scheme in which you invested is performing well.

Flexible SIP: Flexible sip as its name shows are flexible. In these investment plans you can increase and decrease the amount of investment as per your financial situations. If investor runs out of money he can skip the payment, And when the investor has good amount of money he can deposit that in his sip account.

Perpetual SIP: Usually the investor signs ups in sip mutual funds for particular period of time like we can say 1 or 2 or 5 years. But if you don’t want to enter the time of end date then it is called as perpetual sip. This Sip gives option to the investor to redeem his fund when he wants to. Or whenever he feels that his financial aims are completed. Nevertheless, it is always to start SIP for a fixed period of time.

Trigger SIP: Trigger Sips are best for those investors who are aware and has some knowledge about the financial Markets.

Ratio of Expense: If you have researched enough and you find the funds that are similar in nature, then you can select the right fund according to their expense ratio. you can choose among them on the basis of expense ratio. This includes management fee and Total administrative price. a high expense ratio will knock down a fund’s performance.

Entry Load And Exit Load: Previously investing there was entry fee in the form of entry load, but , Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has stopped funds from levying an entry load. Therefore now, the only time you pay is when you leave a fund or we can say when you redeem the fund. This amount is called exit load. The amount of exit load differs with time period, amount of investment and scheme type. These Exit loads are regulated by SEBI.

These SIPs are the subject of market risks. You can ask for right portfolio management services from the right Certified financial planner in Delhi NCR.